Labour accused of 'betrayal' over Watford General Hospital Sunday, 9 February, 2025 Opinion, Watford Observer, 9 February 2025: Labour accused of 'betrayal' over Watford General Hospital | Watford Observer So Labour’s betrayal of the people of Watford is confirmed: the redevelopment of Watford General Hospital has been postponed and will not start until 2032. Under Conservative plans it would have been opened by 2030. Labour claim the money was not really available and blame the... Local News
Flooding on Little Oxhey Lane 20th March 2015 The flooding problems on Little Oxhey Lane have been brought to Herts Highways' attention Local News
Carpenters Park Roads & Pavements 20th March 2015 Get the latest on road and pavements work in Carpenters Park. Local News
Carpenters Park Planning Latest 19th March 2015 Valley View Farm success and the latest on Sandpit Woods Local News
Cassiobury Shop Works 12th March 2015 After much frustration, we are pleased that the safety and pedestrianisation project around the Cassiobury shops roundabout has been delivered to its new... Local News
Cassiobury Park Hub Needs a Name! 11th March 2015 Watford Council want the community’s involvement in naming and branding the so-called Hub building. Local News
Watford Market 10th March 2015 The New Watford Market has survived its first Winter, despite weather issues on its top floor. Local News
Dropped kerbs - Access to front garden parking 9th March 2015 Did you know that driving across raised kerb stones is an offence? Entrances to driveways with dropped kerbs have been specially reinforced to take vehicle... Local News
Conservative Party Conference 2020: Day 4 6th October 2020 This Government is working night and day to repel coronavirus. And we'll succeed due to the energy and self-sacrifice of the British people. And as we recover... National News
Boris Johnson: Read the Prime Minister’s Keynote Speech in full 6th October 2020 Prime Minister Boris Johnson on how the Conservative Party will get us to Build Back Better from coronavirus and how he will be leading a green industrial... National News
Conservative Party Conference 2020: Day 3 5th October 2020 Top stories from Conservative Party Conference 2020 Day 3 (5th October), including Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak, on the source of hope for society... National News
Rishi Sunak: Read the Chancellor’s Keynote Speech in full 5th October 2020 Chancellor Rishi Sunak on how the Conservative Party has supported the economy through coronavirus and how he will be supporting us to build back better. National News
Conservative Party Conference 2020: Day 2 4th October 2020 Top stories from Conservative Party Conference 2020 Day 2 (4th October), including Home Secretary Priti Patel on fixing our broken asylum system; and Prime... National News
Priti Patel: Fixing our broken asylum system 4th October 2020 Home Secretary Priti Patel on fixing our broken asylum system, law and order, policing, and being firm but fair so that the system caters for those in greatest... National News