Cllr Angela Roberts says “I am pleased to see the number of pavements and roads that have been resurfaced over the last few years and know there is still more planned”.
The Mead - More pavements have been resurfaced, and the bend near the junction with Foxleys has been widened with a raised kerb. This will help protect the grass verge and the Inspection Chamber, which BT would not move.
Alva Way pavements - The section most in need of repair, as advised by highways engineers at our highways meeting held in the Library last October, is now complete.
Hangar Ruding - Two large silver birches in the pavements near number 35 had grown far too big and were damaging the road and pavement. They have been removed, the damage repaired, and a replacement flowering cherry planted opposite.
Harrow Way pavements - The worst section of Harrow Way pavements (between numbers 105 and 135) are scheduled for replacement during the course of this month.