Three Rivers District Council is proposing a new site for gypsy/travelling showpeople in Tolpits Lane, between the roundabout by the Camelot building and the narrow bridge over the Ebury Way. Frances Button considers this site entirely unsuitable for 8 new pitches (approximately 16 new caravan sites – and with room to expand) because it:
- is adjacent to a flood plain is adjacent to an outstanding wildlife
- site will significantly impact on the openness of the green belt
- has limited access to local services & little pedestrian access
- adjoins residential properties and business use
- any new access off Tolpits Lane would be dangerous
The consultation is on…. Comments should address the following criteria, used to assess such sites - email [email protected]. The deadline is 22 March.
- Avoid areas at risk from flooding
- Avoid causing an adverse impact on areas of recognised wildlife, heritage or landscape importance, and on the openness of the Green Belt
- Be in or near existing settlements with access by foot and/or public transport to local services, including shops, schools and healthcare
- Be well located to the highway network with safe and convenient vehicular and pedestrian access to the site
- Provide adequate on–site facilities for parking , storage, play and residential amenity
- Provide adequate levels of privacy and residential amenities for occupiers and not be detrimental to the amenities of adjacent occupiers
The circumstances of the applicant and their need for pitches on the application site.
16 possible sites were identified by Three Rivers’ own consultants in 2006. Tolpits Lane was not included. What happened to the original 16 options? Why consult on just one?