A review is to be held into the removal of chicanes on a road in Nascot after a petition was presented to the County Council on Tuesday (26th April) morning. The petition was signed by 150 local people.
Local campaigner Andrew Mortimer reached an important milestone in his campaign against the chicanes on Nascot Wood Road on Tuesday morning.
Mr Mortimer, of the Avenue, Nascot, petitioned Hertfordshire County Council to review the traffic calming measures on Nascot Wood Road.
His petition was heard on 26th April by County Councillors on the Highways Cabinet.
The Highways Cabinet Panel recommended that the Petition be accepted and unanimously recommended a review for the removal of the chicanes, with other traffic calming measures to be investigated. The panel will also explore the feasibility of alternative methods of funding.
Andrew said: “This is a victory for local people who joined my campaign against the chicanes. We know that Nascot Wood Road needs traffic calming measures but given the serious issues and unintended consequences of the chicanes a new way needs to be found. We think that there are viable and cost effective alternatives that will achieve the desired effect without the grief that the chicanes are causing. It’s not just about the local residents, who have frankly had to put up with a great deal of noise and air pollution since the chicanes were installed, but also the impact on traffic build-up and other unintended consequences to traffic in the area. I am delighted to welcome the Panel’s decision and look forward to working closely with them to achieve a suitable solution”