Investment in cycle paths and pedestrian crossings is underway and will make our area a safer and easier place to get around
Works have commenced on a forthcoming cycle path on Hempstead Road, which will include the introduction of a pedestrian phase at the Stratford Way/Hempstead Road junction and an upgrade of the existing traffic lights. This should provide a safer route for residents, as well as children attending the Lanchester Community Free School. There will also be carriageway and footpath resurfacing and footpath paving works at this site, as well as along St Albans Road, to provide a safer route to Watford Junction. The improvement works will take place between 7:30am and 5:30pm, Monday to Friday. These County Council improvements will require footpath closure along the Hempstead Road from 2 February 2015 to 1 March 2015. Understandably, the work is heavily weather dependent. Any changes to the proposed start date, duration or working hours will be notified on the information boards at either end of the road and athertsdirect.org/roadworks or by calling 0300 123 40 47.
Works to introduce accessible pedestrian and cycle routes between the proposed Cassiobridge Station and Watford Business Park, Watford Boys and Cassiobury Park have also started. This will include a toucan crossing on Rickmansworth Road, near the junction of Gade Avenue, a pelican crossing near Queen Mary’s Avenue and Cassiobridge Road and new shared use paths. The work is scheduled to be completed by the end of March.