Hempstead Road/Stratford Way
The junction has been altered to provide a pedestrian crossing phase in the traffic lights and allows for the cycle route planned for the whole of the Hempstead Road. The changes should improve safety for pedestrians, especially those walking to Lanchester Free School.
Hempstead Road/Courtlands Drive
While out and about, residents have mentioned to local campaigner, Linda Topping, their concerns regarding the Hempstead Road/Courtlands Drive junction. At certain times of the day, It can be nigh-on impossible to turn right from the Hempstead Road and also right from Courtlands Drive.
This is a longstanding problem, but finding a solution is difficult. The police will not consider lights because they will lead to traffic backing up with unacceptable consequences for access to the M25. Nascot Ward would potentialy become more of a rat-run for through-traffic. Furthermore, there is not enough room for a mini-roundabout to function effectively. Also, It must have even traffic flow on the feeder roads.
It has been suggested that the pavement to the left of Courtlands Drive could be moved back to allow vehicles turning left to pass those waiting to turn right.
Linda will being taking up this suggestion with the County Council. Watch this space.